OPENING 6.02.2008
H'ART GALLERY Str. Mihai Eminescu nr.105-107
Anezka Hoskova este considerata unul dintre cei mai originali si mai inovatori pictori de pe scena
artistica contemporana ceheasca. Este membra a grupului AM.180, grup ce organizeaza expozitii in propria galerie si care promoveaza artisti cehi progresisti si scena muzicii independente, internationale.
Aria de influente este foarte usor de banuit si foarte extinsa – punk, moda, ca o subcultura, comix-urile, benzile desenate, tatuajele si multe alte elemente specifice scenei artistice sau muzicale independente. Anezka combina toate aceste elemente, compunand povesti contemporane cu zane; aceasta este modalitatea ei de a interpreta, dar si ironiza in acelasi timp, diferitele subculturi.
Deseori colaboreaza cu fratele ei, Jakub Hosek (ale carui lucrari le-ati putut vedea anul trecut, tot la H'art Gallery), atat in proiecte artistice, cat si intr-un proiect muzical – duo-ul de DJ Indie Twins.
Anezka Hoskova has marked herself over the past few years as one ofthe most original and innovative contemporary painters in the Czech art scene.She is a member of the AM.180 collective, a collective that organizes exhibitions in its own gallery with some of the most progressive Czech Artists and presents concerts from the international independent music scene.
Anezka Hoskova's inspiration comes from punk, subculture fashion,comix, cartoons, tattooing and all the other elements of thealternative music and art scene.
She combines these elements in her painting in order to compose contemporary fairytales; this is her form of interpreting and at the same time quizzing the subculture lifestyles and Anders Gronlien. She often works with her brother, Jakub Hosek (he had a solo exhibition at H'art Gallery last year), as artists or the DJ duoIndie Twins.
Un comentariu:
vernisajul a fost dezamagitor..dar expozitia merita vazuta. am imagini pentru lucrarile expuse.. by request. nice lookin blog,ciprian :) congrats !
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